The fall means back to school routines here in the US, and in Kenya, students also are back to school after a break in August for their final term of the year.
With that in mind, I wanted to share this blessing from our church to encourage you to come alongside your sponsored child in their studies through your gift of prayer. God, our teacher…the source of all wisdom and knowledge…we are grateful for the gift of learning. Lord, we ask your blessing on these students. May they welcome the hard work of learning and discovery with joy and not fear. May their minds be open to new wisdom wherever it can be found—in books, in relationships, in fun, and even in mistakes. And Lord, we ask your blessing on these teachers. May they share their knowledge with patience and grace, may they model your generosity and kindness with the students in their care, and may they trust that you go before them into every lecture hall and classroom and seminar. And Lord, may all of us learn to seek YOU first, and your righteousness, trusting everything else will be added in its time. Amen. -J.J. Kissinger, University Presbyterian Church, Seattle, WA Below are pictures of some of our students at a recent school visit to the Salvation Army Nawaitorong Secondary School.
October 2024
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